
Monthly $0.25 per square foot

Biweekly $0.20 per square foot 

Weekly $0.15 per square foot 

Corporate Glow

Dusting and wiping of surface 

Vacuuming, sweeping, and steam mopping 

Trash Removal 


Kitchen/Break Room

Surface Disinfection

Glass (windows, partitions, doors)

Restocking of supplies (must be provided)

Starting at $350 

Please note starting price is based on a 2 bed and 1 to 1 1/2 bathroom(s) apartment. Pricing is subject to change based on the size and condition of your rental property. A walk through (in-person or video call) must be completed prior to proposal. 

"An average condition rental property typically refers to a dwelling that is in moderate state of cleanliness and maintenance, neither exceptionally pristine nor significantly neglected. It may exhibit some signs of wear and tear, minor cosmetic imperfections, and standard levels of dirt and grime consistent with regular occupancy." 

Glow Renew 

long term rental turnover

Clean all rooms including closets

Clean stove, oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher.

Bathroom Deep Clean

Interior Window Cleaning including sills 

Wall and Baseboard Wiping*

Air Vent Cleaning (no filter replacements)

Light Fixture Cleaning

Floor Care including steam mopping

*must be semi-gloss/gloss finish*